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Friday, March 28, 2008

Today is the Day!

I can't believe it's finally here! Release day for The Model Man.

A couple of weeks back I sent an advance copy to a long-time friend of mine. I didn't really know if she'd read it, but this friend was one of those I used to force to read some of my earliest work, LOL. And she was always supportive. In the years between the "good ol' days" and now, she's become a fan of romance and reads them by the dozens. So it was a proud moment to share mine with her.

As I said, I had no idea if she'd read it, so imagine the thrill when I found this note in my e-mail inbox the other day:

I just finished reading this and I LOVED it. I like to see when the average everyday girl gets the cute guy over the sexy models. I felt like I was right there along with them viewing everything. The Love scenes were unbelievable. I fell in love with Derek. I love it when books take you away and put you in another place mentally. I can’t wait to read your next book.

That definitely made my day!

The Model Man is available now in e-format from The Wild Rose Press. It will be available in print on May 23.


Paty Jager said...

Hmmm. Miss Skeptical, What have I been telling you about this book? It's an awesome story and well written.

Nicole McCaffrey said...

Yeah but you HAVE to say that cuz we're CP's. LOL.

Thanks, it really feels good to hear it.

Sarita Leone said...

Congratulations on your release, Nicole! I'm tickled that the day has finally arrived. :) This is one story that I can't wait to read. The cover is hot, yes, but the blurb and snippets have got my interest in a big way. I know it's going to be a good read.

Enjoy your release weekend! Wishing you many happy sales! :)

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